Rick and Jillian used Tucson as their destination wedding location. Who knew……Right. The ceremony and reception was held at Reflections at the Buttes.
What to say about this group….Hmmmmm. Let’s just say laughter, humor and good times were not lacking. I start you out with the men. Westward Look was the location for all to get ready. Jon arrived and all he saw was hairy knees, socks and Jack Daniels. They guys were living it up. Each of the men had cuff links that represented a special location that meant special between the groomsmen and the groom.
A little lower you can see the shoes of the bride and groom. The bridesmaids all signed the bottom of Jillians shoes. Oh and do you see the “famous” Margarita Go Diva. Whhoopwhoop.
Jillian and Rick chose to do a first look at Westward Look. Off to Reflections we go. Jillians dad created this metal art for the ceremony. What a sentamental touch. As you will see there is hints of Burlap through out. The flower girls dress and ring bearer pillow display this cute touch.
The upper left is OHIO. Alot of dancing, a little cigar and oh yes……..SONORAN HOT DOGS
OK, so I will end the night with a little non-sense fun. I really do not know what is happening here, but it was down right funny.